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  • In the event the provisions of this section are inconsistent with other sections of this chapter, this section shall prevail. During Stage 2, 3, 4 and 5 emergencies, the following wasteful uses shall be prohibited:


    Any use of potable water from any fire hydrant is prohibited, except by regularly constituted fire protection agencies for fire suppression purposes or by the MHCSD, when alternate water sources or recycled water sources are available. The decision as to the availability of alternate water sources shall be that of the General Manager. In the absence of alternate water sources or reclaimed water sources, use of potable water from a hydrant may be used provided a permit for such use is approved by the MHCSD.


    Use of potable water for dust control purposes except for public health or safety purposes, except when specifically authorized by the General Manager.


    Irrigation of exterior landscaping, turf areas, open ground, crops, trees, grass, lawn, ground cover, shrubbery, or decorative plantings between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. during the period of May 1st to October 1st, except irrigation by drip or mist irrigation systems which shall not be restricted as to hours.


    Irrigation of exterior landscaping, turf areas, open ground, crops, trees, grass, lawn, ground cover, shrubbery, or decorative plantings in such a manner or extent that allow water to run off or escape from the premises or to be wasted.

(Ord. 4056 (part), 2000)