Latest version.
  • A report on any and all actions of the County Road Commissioner, including the reasons therefor, in connection with the issuance of permits under this chapter shall be forwarded by him in writing to the Board upon the demand of said Board. After the rendering of any decision by the Road Commissioner, any applicant or any person directly and adversely affected by his decision, or the authorized agent of either of said parties, may, within five days thereafter, holidays excluded, file with the Road Commissioner and with the Board a written appeal from the decision of the Road Commissioner. The filing of such appeal shall stay the issuance of any permit incident to the particular case until after said appeal has been decided by the Board. In the event of an appeal the Board, after receiving the report from the Road Commissioner on a particular case, and after at least one public hearing thereon, given by publication of Notice of Hearing at least once ten days before the date of hearing in a newspaper of general circulation published in the County, shall render a decision which may sustain, modify, or overrule the decision of the Road Commissioner in the particular case. The decision of the Board upon any appeal shall be final and conclusive. If the appeal has not been filed in the time and manner hereinabove provided, the decision of the Road Commissioner shall be final as hereinabove set forth.

(Ord. 662)